In prep for handing in this record etc. etc., I've been thinking more & more again about artwork and, as I've prattled on about to the “lucky” folks that have come to the house for the 'hear the record' thingies, there was a time, early on in the making of this one, where I was set on, "I know, I know...this will be a SEQUEL to the last record!". As if any record that comes after another isn't already, effectively a sequel - ha. 

There is still some of that undergirding to the whole thing - this one starts where the last one ends musically, it starts with another short mini-song that Jerry (drums) sings, it ends lyrically (sorta) where the last one started etc. etc. 

To that end, one of the things I'd debated doing was using the exact same cover as the meadowlands, just changing the title, which I couldn't think of anyone having done before (not that that matters or makes it better). 

But one of the other ideas, and more in line with a 'sequel', is that whenever I come across a building I like, usually an old one, I tend to take a picture from the same angle as the south Jersey garage pictured on the cover of the last one, just to see. I've now got like a hundred of them - ha.